1. Delta Web will not be held responsible for the accuracy or *legality of any information provided on any site it designed or maintains.

2. Delta Web will not produce any site related to pornography or any *illegal activity.

3. Delta Web will put credit for its work on every site produced. This helps keep our prices low by advertising on each site. Removal of Delta Webs credit will incure a fee set by Delta Web based on the size of the site. This is applicable even if a site is to be moved to a new web host at any point.

4. All maintenance and any other web site related work will be charged at a rate of $88.00 per hour. This figure can change at any time but will only rise if extra expenses to produce sites, tax rises or inflation are incurred by Delta Web.

5. Delta Web will not be held responsible for the failure of any site caused by any entities such as hosting services, hackers, scripting failures or any other entity that may cause the site to malfunction. Normal maintainance fees will be charged to repair any problems.

6. Delta Web will not guarantee any site for accuracy or reliability and will not be held responsible for loss of income, data or any other potential losses that may arise from use of the web site. All web sites built are provided as is at time of settlement. Time of settlement is on completion of the job as per your original quote or decided by Delta Web if no written quote is available..

7. All sites hosted by Delta Web are billed recurrently after the first year. If you wish to cancel a hosting account at any time a request must be either emailed via your client control panel or emailed via your regular email method. If no formal request is received accounts are ongoing year to year. All hosting and domain name renewals are paid in advance by Delta Web so any cancellation is only applicable from the next due date of the hosting or domain renewal. No pro rata refunds are given.

8. Each account that includes web hosting comes with its own cgi-bin. You are free to use any CGI scripts you wish, however we reserve the right to disable any CGI script that effects normal server operation without prior warning.

9. Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold Delta Web harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorney's fees asserted against Delta Web, its agents, its customers, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, it's agents, employees or assigns.

10. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Delta Web against liabilities arising out of; (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with Delta Web server; (2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party and (3)copyright infringement.

11. Delta Web will not be responsible for any losses your business may suffer due to web site failure or down time.

12. Delta Web makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide.

13. Delta Web disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data and any service interruptions caused by Delta Web and its employees.

14. Any web site owner, web site owner employee or agent of owner or any other party acting for the owner that breaches any of these conditions may result in legal action for breach of contract.

15. Any invoices outstanding for more than 7 days will result in a site being put into lockdown until the invoice is paid. Restoration of any suspended site currently in lockdown will incur a fee of $55. Sites will not be restored until the outstanding invoice and the $55 fee has been paid. No exceptions.

16. No web site and its content will be available for transfer to a new host or to be downloaded while any invoices are outstanding.

17. Delta Web reserves the right to change these conditions.

18. By commissioning Delta Web to build and/or host your web site you agree you have read and agree to all terms and conditions and agree to abide by them for the period you are a Delta Web client.

Copyright 2025 © Delta Web Merrylands, Sydney          |    Website by Delta Web